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The specific sentence of the defendants: Le Van Chien (17 years old, living in Thuan Loi commune, Dong Phu district, Binh Phuoc province) 11 years in prison; Nguyen Hung Minh (born in 2005, living in Thuan Loi commune) 5 years and 6 months in prison; Ly Van Bi (born in 2006), Ho Nhat Hao (born in 2006) living in Thuan Loi and Pham Khanh Hung communes (born in 2006, living in Phu Rieng commune), Phu Rieng district, with the same sentence of 6 years in prison ; Huynh Ngoc Gia Bao (born in 2007, living in Phu Rieng commune, Phu Rieng district) 3 years in prison. Crypto Slots "bitcoin cash casino slots real money casino no deposit bonus codes 2021 Loving the officers and soldiers guarding day and night, fiercely sweeping, many people have joined hands, unanimously donated, contributed rice, cooked meals of gratitude to send to the functional forces.